using locally available stone dust. The stone dust sampled from Mlolongo quarries achieved a characteristic strength of 86.7 N/mm2 at a water cement ratio of 0.32. With the results structural analysis of a 10 storeyoffice structures with columns spaced at 8 met ers center to center was de-signed using the four classes and results compared.
3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016) ICCESD 2016 933 Table 3: Physical properties of stone dust Property Values Specific Gravity 2.83 Color Pinkish Gray Density(gm/cm3) 2.03 Moisture Content 6.58% 3.1.6 Concrete Mix Proportions Cement = 0.5 Kg Fine aggregate = 1.45 Kg
quarry at Chandragiri near Tirupati Andhra Pradesh. Stone Dust is obtained by sieving stone dust through 90 micron sieve. X-ray diffraction method (XRD) is conducted on stone dust it shows that it contains 93% SiO2. Reference XRD, it is ensured that due to the presence of SiO2, stone dust posses pozzolanic property. This SiO2 reacts with calcium
ABSTRACT-Stone dust can be obtained from stone quarry. Stones are extensively used in all building constructional activities.. The stone dust is comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than common clay bricks. Since stone dust is being accumulated as waste material in large quantity near stone quarry.
Abstract: The study examines the suitability of sand and stone dust sample from locations within Ondo state which includes Oda, Oba Ile, Idanre, Ilara and Stone dust sample from Johnson mining industry and stone works Nigeria limited for production of sandcrete blocks (cubes) with the view to assess physical and chemical properties of sand and
03 50% stone dust 0.92 04 75% stone dust 0.909 05 100% stone dust 0.826 Fig.4. Compaction Results Table 8. Compressive Strength of Concrete. S.No. % of Stone Dust Compressive Strength 7 Days N/mm2 2 28 Days N/mm 01 0% stone dust 13.165 17.5 02 25% stone dust 14.5 20 03 50% stone dust 12.3 15 04 75% stone dust 11.1 13.7 constant water cement
stone dust. Interest for stone dust for making concrete is expanding now-a-days as river sand can''t take care of the rising demand of construction activities. Description Properties of Stone Dust Fine Sand (0.425 mm to 0.075 mm) 27.1% by weight of stone dust Medium Sand (2 mm to 0.425 mm) 44.8% by weight of stone dust
In this study stone dust by dry weight of soil was taken as 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% taken and mixed with the soil so as to examine the effect of mixing on OMC, MDD and CBR properties of soil. II. Literature Review Very little information has been published on the engineering properties of stabilised soil using stone dust.
Table 1 Physical properties of Stone Dust and Natural Sand Property Stone Dust Natural Sand Specific gravity 2.54-2.60 2.60 Bulk relative density (kg/m3) 1720-1810 1460 Fine particles less than 0.075 mm (%) 12-15 06 Preparation of concrete cubes In the process of manufacturing of the concrete cube
Engineering properties of stone dust and natural soil. Table 2 summarizes the engineering properties of the stone dust and the natural soil through the soil tests. The specific gravity of stone dust was 2.72 for Company “S” and 2.77 for Company “A”.
Ali M.S. et al. (2011) presented the effect of stone dust and fly ash on characteristics of fly ash. They concluded that there is a marked improvement in the properties of expansive soil if stone dust and fly ash is mixed in equal proportions. There is a significant control in the swelling behaviour of the expansive clay.
Ali M.S. et al. (2011) presented the effect of stone dust and fly ash on characteristics of fly ash. They concluded that there is a marked improvement in the properties of expansive soil if stone dust and fly ash is mixed in equal proportions. There is a significant control in the swelling behaviour of the expansive clay.
The physical properties of river sand and q uarry dust are concentrated on specific gravity, density, void ratio, unit weight and sieve analysis. Also identified the D 10, D 30, D 50, D 60 and
partial or fully replacement of natural sand with stone dust is one of the effective method. Stone dust is the best alternative for the natural sand, because properties of natural sand and stone dust are similar 1. In the backd rop of Rapid growth, Construction industries are facing acute shortage of the conventional building material.
In the present investigation, an experimental program was carried out to study the workability and compressive strength of concrete made using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate
percentage of stone dust and found that by addition of stone dust plasticity characteristics were reduced and CBR of the mixes improved. Addition of 25-35% of stone dust makes the gravel soil meet the specification of MORTH as sub-base material. Roobhakhshan and Kalantari (2013) conducted consistency limit, standard compaction test, unconfined
Head of dept. (Civil Engineering) Abstract— Index properties & strength of murum/Gravel soil is less and does not fulfill the requirement for its uses as a road pavement material such as GSB. These property is likely improved by adding a suitable admixture of stone dust/river sand. Therefore a detailed experimental study is
The appropriate use of stone dust gives the stability and also gives strength to soil. It is observed that value increases significantly after addition of 1.0% Stone Dust content. In earth soils Stone Dust can be used as a soil stabilizer enhanced the Engineering properties of the soil.
The physical properties of river sand and q uarry dust are concentrated on specific gravity, density, void ratio, unit weight and sieve analysis. Also identified the D 10, D 30, D 50, D 60 and
The physical properties of river sand and q uarry dust are concentrated on specific gravity, density, void ratio, unit weight and sieve analysis. Also identified the D 10, D 30, D 50, D 60 and
with increase of dust content[7]. Addition of 10% stone quarry dust in concrete gives peak value[8]. There is increase in strength properties with an increase in the amount of crushed stone dust. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test for complete replacement of sand by crushed stone dust shows excellent results [9].
Unit weight or density is used to quantify the weight per unit volume of an object. When it is expressed in the basic SI Unit of mass (kg/m 3), it is usually referred to as density, but when expressed in terms of weight (kN/m 3), it is usually referred to as unit weight.
engineering properties of crusher stone dust properties of crush sand from stone crusher. engineering properties of crusher stone dust grinding mill equipment Crusher dust is a fine material formed during the process of comminution of rock into crushed stone or crushed sand This dust is composed by particles which pass 75 m BS.
engineering properties improved with the addition of GGBS and stone dust. In the standard proctor test, the maximum dry density increased and the optimum moisture content decreased with increase in GGBS and stone dust content and at maximum increase in mechanical properties was obtained at 30% of GGBS and Stone dust.
ABSTRACT-Stone dust can be obtained from stone quarry. Stones are extensively used in all building constructional activities.. The stone dust is comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than common clay bricks. Since stone dust is being accumulated as waste material in large quantity near stone quarry.
will lead to heavy economic burden. This paper presents the effect of adding rice husk ash (RHA) and stone dust on various index and engineering properties of weak soil. Various doses of RHA (5, 10 and 20%) along with 6% cement and stone dust (10, 20, 30 and 40%) are used for stabilization. Tests are carried out to determine
The stone dust from the crusher units of construction sites is an environmental hazard. The disposal of stone dust is a major problem. In this paper an attempt is made to study the effective use of stone dust as a stabilizing agent. An experimental investigation is carried out to study the effect of stone dust on engineering properties of soil.
The percentage of stone dust by dry weight of soil was taken as 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%.The first series of compaction, specific gravity and CBR tests were conducted on the soil and the same tests were conducted in the second series on soil samples mixed with stone dust.
Table 1 Physical properties of Stone Dust and Natural Sand Property Stone Dust Natural Sand Specific gravity 2.54-2.60 2.60 Bulk relative density (kg/m3) 1720-1810 1460 Fine particles less than 0.075 mm (%) 12-15 06 Preparation of concrete cubes In the process of manufacturing of the concrete cube
palm oil fuel ash, rice husk ash, coal ash, brick dust, stone dust in cement concrete (Awal et al, 1997; Zhang, et al, 1996; Karki, 2002). The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of concrete prepared with brick dust as mineral admixture. Brick dust is a waste product in innumerous brick kilns in Bangladesh. This paper discusses the